Thanks to§
- Pelican, the static site generator that powers this blog
- python-markdown, which powers most of the document rendering on this site and which has an excellent extension system that’s allowed me to do all sorts of crazy fun things
- facelessuser’s PyMdown Extensions
- Sass, which makes css tolerable to write
- vokimon’s customblocks, which replaced literally dozens of external dependencies once I discovered it
- Lazyframe, whose youtube cover page CSS I stole
- Mermaid inline diagramming
- uetchy’s Latex API at
And an extra-special personal thanks to§
- Eevee, whose blog theme I based mine on and whose blog helped inspire me to start writing
- FlaringK, from whose Flare’s CSS textboxes resource I adapted some css chat widgets
- Fir, who was the first person to pitch the GioCities pun during brainstorming, I think
- My generous sponsors on Sponsus and Patreon. I don’t have many, but it means a lot! Thanks to you guys I almost break even on this whole deal.
- Also, to the people who said they were going to give me money, but then did not, a lesser-but-still-real thanks.
- Everyone who read something I wrote and sent it to someone they thought should read it
- Every single one of you who sometimes says nice things about me online β€
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